A practice born from women’s experience
aimed at women of all ages,
at the receptive side of men
and sustaining all stages of a woman’s life.
Armofemmi (Armonizzazione Femminile - Harmonising the Feminine) is a physical practice that highlights a feminine approach to both body and movement.
It is based on the dance lessons of Paola Broggi and on the verbal and physical dialogue of the women who took part in her lessons and workshops.
Lessons were at first based on Middle East dance, combined with the practice of subtle energies derived from elements of Eastern energy practices, like Yoga, Qi Gong and the Genital’s Harmonisation Method elaborated by Doctor Reouma Cohen.
The base of this practice is in Traditional Egyptian dances, which express the grounding of oriental practices (movement starts on feet) together with the irresistible force of African dances, the elegance of posture of ancient Egyptians together with the loose and free movement of gypsy dances.
The centre of Armofemmi practice is in the integration of pelvic muscles in the general body movement, in order to learn how to use these muscles in normal, everyday movement.
The aim of this practice is the observation of physical and mood changes during the four phases of the menstrual cycle that enable us to feel, through our instincts and our bodies, the four archetypes that dominate the cycle of women’s life.
The proper way to understand our own body and to respect its changes and its demands is through sharing of feelings, experiences and problems with the other women of the group in the shared moment of body movement, when we naturally allow consciousness to flow into the body.
The work starts with grounding, becoming conscious of the feet and the ground. Then it continues with the loosing up of articulations and deep contractions, by means of breathing and activation of the pelvic muscles.
The practice is completed with dance, seen as a way to enter in dialogue with the inner self, with other members of the group and with the elements of nature, in order to let flow in the body the female energy.